Legend is the rank we offer to retired workers at HDA, it is for our long term members that are unable to continue to be active in the agency. Legends should be looked up to at HDA, for they have shown continuous effort throughout their time there
I would like to convey my gratitude to the HDA, for they've given me a shelter and chance to get to know everyone from across the world during the time I played. One year might've been too short for me, but we gotta keep moving forward. For me, HDA isn't just a stopover place but I would call it my second home. But then again, nothing lasts forever. But I believe that HDA would, because it will keep on releasing new generations which shines brighter than the previous ones and that all has been proven to us. Lot of thanks to those who have been hanging around with me during my good and bad days, and wish you all the best for those who are currently running the agencyâ
I love you all. Not all of you, but most of you.
We hear it ALL THE DAMN TIME, 'wow this base sucks', so we want YOU to decide between two designs as to what will be the future *lewk* of HDA. Below are the two options, then fill out the Google for which one you prefer! Please note these aren't the final designs, just a starting point! If you have any ideas or modifications on the existing designs, tell us which design your modification applies to (option 1 or option 2) then list your modification/s in the comments below! :D
Option One
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Option Two
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Author- Archives
March 2022
CategoriesEdited by: Purified & Vibrational