Thank you everyone for commenting, sharing and discussing part one of this post! It was a lot of work creating this series, and I’m so glad you are all appreciating and enjoying it! Part two includes me being trained for advertising and running around Habbo trying to scam get people to join HDA I was coming back to base today and I ALMOST GOT CAUGHT i was asked to whisper my promoter to the sec guy, and i went to copy the username but i whispered and pasted down the username ON MY VIBRATIONAL ACCOUNT!!! My cover was almost blown, but not quite. He didn’t even notice, or if he did he didn’t care. Shout out to svyy for being nice to me, a typical standard random ;3 Shame on anyone who sits in the desks, and talks to the people at the desks, I often found I needed to get into base and couldn’t because the only desk that was free to walk into, was the ones where people were sitting down chatting to their friends behind the desks. ALSO Shame on kwangyeong for saying F&C without my username, but thank you for not making me wait 20 minutes to get a promotion to advertising cause people don’t like advertising training, you’re willingness to train did not go unnoticed!! ON TO ADVERTISING TRAINING!!! Kwang and I waited a bit for me to get accepted to the advertising badge, then I realised I wasn’t an advertiser in training, but a founder, and I could accept it… I really went method. OH SHIT i forgot i’ll need a forum account *quickly makes a throwaway email and activates VPN* I am really pleased I didn’t get caught, I was so close to being caught out so many times. It took ages for someone to accept it, I accepted my badge really quickly but I wanted to see if anyone around was actually on the ball enough to check discord Kwang: they are doing it rn Narrator: they were not doing it rn Kwang and I go through training, and KWANG YOU ARE A GREAT TRAINER! You reassured me when I was nervous: And took the time to answer my made up dumb questions. But, OMG HOW CAN PEOPLE REMEMBER THE ANSWERS TO THE ADV TRAINING QUESTIONS I HAD TO OPEN UP THE SCRIPT TO WORK OUT WHAT IT WAS are we rocket scientists or running a Habbo agency? But I passed, I started advertising. Me, dying inside ^ That awkward moment when you try and scout someone who is already in HDA, we are way more popular with really new Habbo’s than I thought, there were a lot of us out there!!! I spend all my time on Habbo in the HDA bubble, it was nice to talk to some people about HDA outside of HDA I got the usual response to adding randoms in Habbo: I also frequently lied to the random strangers I spoke too online, there have been a LARGE INCREASE in creeps messaging young girls on habbo: I feel like we should be educating new scouts on not giving out personal details and talking to creeps too much cause OMG THEY ARE NEXT LEVEL EXTRA CREEPY I GOT MY FIRST RECRUIT I literally have brought HEAPS of people into HDA, but it always feels good to bring a new minion: I went back to base to try and get my promotion at the help desk, I tried to speak to Kayla first… But she never answered, Asked aresthegreat098 for a promo AND HE TOOK FOREVERRRRRRRR idk what took so long Kayla, mariah and ares didn’t talk to me even tho i asked multiple times what was going on/asked for help, its like people go to the help desk and don’t pay attention *thinking face emoji* The next guy I recruited I convinced to join and in exchange I told him I would give him my snapchat, I do not have snapchat. With another recruit very quickly under my belt, I went back to the help desk, and ran into NO HELP: Mariah didn’t even believe me, while she was messing around with the chairs barking orders at people lower than her, MARIAH IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU ARE LUCKY THAT YOU ARE A LEGEND was V V HURTFUL OK I AM A PERSON U KNO If i was using my founder account u wouldn’t treat me like this :( I went back to club neon or w/e its called and spent some time adding and being harassed by creepy ass dudes, i was getting pretty sick of being asked if i wanted dick or for my sc, so i went back to base and sat at FTF to wait it out at FTF for my promotion. Jersly kept walking near me and it made me anxious i thought he was going to promote me and he didn't :( LiLMontes: congrats for working at FTF for an hour Narrator: she had not worked at FTF for an hour Update - my first recruit already left: At least she is following her dreams. I decided the next thing I should try out is a classic scouting move, make a fake account, and see if anyone questioned it. Meet AmIReal? Narrator: she wasn’t real.
Stay tuned for Part 3 - does it work? Do I get a promotion? Or do I get caught and have to slog it out at FTF for a promo? Make sure you read the next Lana Undercover to find out, next week!!!
DISCLAIMER!* I got the approval of other founders to create this post, but if you try this at home, you could be caught and considered double jobbing! I never claimed pay, and never profited off this article via my alt account. In other words, do not try this at home! ![]() *007 theme plays* Hi I’m Lana, one of the founders at HDA! I am always interested in how things run in HDA, coming up with new ways of doing things, and I also run the blog! So why not combine all my passions, and discover what it is like to REALLY work at HDA, see if I can come up with any new ways of doing things, all the while seeing if our members really listen to us *thinking face emoji* So I had a massive glow up and became… Vivianne the recruit! Yes, I grabbed one of my *many* alts and started double jobbing, with the founders blessing, so I could see what it was really like to work with us! I encountered a lot of LOVELY HDA members, and I was really pleased at how people treated me as an agent! If you noticed in the image above, my motto is wrong, luckily when Ari said ‘capitalise the R’ i misunderstood him and thought he meant the SECOND R, he quickly explained: Bless. Aribakunx3 helped me join as a recruit, he was helpful, but could have said please once or twice. Suhboi trained me, he was very good! But got F&C wrong YOU NEED TO SAY THE PERSONS USERNAME OK!!! (Spoiler alert, this becomes one of my many gripes during the course of my undercover mission!) Suhboi did really well though, he even answered my dumb questions welll, was patient and polite and even tho i was intentionally acting like a bit of a noob, he handled me well, including my jokes, when i asked where the help desk was: He did not find my jokes funny, and tbh I don't blame him. Finally it was time to FTF, after getting my fresh to death motto, being let into sec and ready to face the front desks, I was greeted WITH MY FIRST TROLL! I didn’t get many SS but here is how the interaction went: Me to troll: why do you want to get in? U will just be kicked again Troll: babe just let me in we can work out a deal, convince them to keep me in Me: why do you want this attention? did your mum not love you? *me expecting base to go wild with my sick burn, then remembering i’m just an agent that nobody will notice anyway* shoutout to golgivesicle who was basically the only person that helped me know what to do in this confusing situation(troll can be seen negotiating with me in the ss below as well): Tyler_swet promoted me first YAYYY!! And he corrected the 1 in my motto that had been sitting there for over 15 minutes OMGG MY HERO! I promoted myself. Yes. I self promoted. *other founders if you are reading this pls don’t demote me* I had to only cause 1 minute had passed since i was due for one and nobody else was looking like they were going to promote me. And I had to pee. I’m now an Agent III and v excited about my progress, but sitting at FTF is boring as batshit and idc who knows it!!!!! Sonyteo yelled at me for idling at the front desks, but the only reason i was sleeping is BECAUSE IT WAS ALMOST 15 MINUTES AND I HADN’T BEEN PROMOTED BUT HE WAS SITTING THERE WITH HIS MATES CHATTING AWAY IGNORING ME, i responded obviously v charming: He did the right thing not promoting me there and then when i asked for it, but if you are going to enforce the rules while you are slacking off, you’re gonna look like an asshole, that is just one of the rules of life ok?
He promoted me two minutes after that convo took place, thanks Sony! ANIMAXMubin promoted me after that, and he basically promoted me after i was idling at the desk again so good work guys Marcus472 called me to F&C but then left straight away, i asked the question ‘what if i was called to F&C and then they leave, am i automatically AE?’ nobody answered so i stood next to my seat for 5 minutes to see if anyone cared why i was standing next to my seat, they didn’t. He came back and asked me to F&C again, without saying my username :( If you are reading this far and haven't seen your username, CONGRATS! But beware, I have at least two more posts covering my undercover antics, next time, ADVERTISING TRAINING!!!! Assistant Director! About Ms. Sher! 🐀 Favourite Food: “My favourite food would be Indian Street food items yum And anything and everything served with cheese cause why not?! I'm a foodie teehee” Favourite Place: “My favourite place to visit would be Venice. It's definitely a beautiful and a serene place to travel along.” Hobby: “My hobby is to cycle, sing songs and compose music and binge watch mystery shows” Ambition: “About ambition , It's not very defined I wanted to be a singer when I was little but studying to be a design student or architect, hoping the boat sails towards something exciting.” HDA Related Questions 👌 Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank you are at? Answer: Well from being just a new one here to an EA & IA member to DoE and now to AD; I'm very overwhelmed to be honest. I never felt I would make it this far always looked at my higher ranks like wow maybe someday and Im glad :D !! It's been a great one x What makes you come online to work in HDA? Answer: Definitely the people here! All my friends here are the ones that make me come online. An introvert kid found this lovely family online who cheer me everyday. Although, many of them I knew have gone inactive or legend and I miss seeing them in base a lot x Tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happen in HDA. Answer: That's hard haha there are many things important to me here most importantly the long spam of hearts when you enter in base! Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. Answer: I think I haven't had conflicts have had different opinions but in HDA you work towards the best of those. What are your strengths and weakness? Answer: My strengths are : I love helping people around which is also my weakness sometimes cause I let myself low when I'm not able to help someone to the fullest.💞 Where do you see yourself in the year of 2019 at HDA? Answer: I'm not sure where I would be then prolly someone who's a little less of a nub haha. If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who it would be and why? Answer: Since I have been here at HDA, it's hard to say one since there are many people here with me! Ari has been the one who has been with me since then to now and definitely glad to know this smol bean xx A shoutout to favourite peeps x : Kaiser, Roshi, Sarsilly, Ainaa, Cedie, Joie, Tina, Kev, Nate, DanDan, Dane, Laura, Char, Andrew, Jen, Michael, Bridge, Bob, Hiroshol, Vinny & Jules. 💕 What is one of the most useful things that you have learned from HDA? Answer: I have learnt being a little more organized, responsible and more confident even though I carry on to do funny things yet =D As I end this blog post, I just want to thank Ms. Sher for taking her time answering all of these questions. I hope you have a great day ahead! You are doing great being an Assistant Director. Continue guiding us and be good in school love you lots ❣ ![]() Blog Post written by Sindy2418 Head of External Affairs! What did you expect when you came into HDA? I joined HDA after HIO died. Me and HDA... this is something that happened really spontaneously I just came in and thought "it has high Population, the Base looks like it has an easy System, why not going to that transfer desk?" and did it. Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank your are at? It's quite ok. Hey, I'm 5iC ( now HoEA!! ) in an Agency with over 32K Members, that is something isn't it? What makes you come online to work in HDA? Definitely it's HDA itself, as I just have fun to work, train, promotes, I even like doing Reports (especially my weekly EA Tasks) because I love to use Google Docs, jk.. No I love doing Reports as it is challenging and giving 100% , I already made a lot of friends and the community is great! The next question is where you tell us a small story about something that is important to you that has happened in HDA. It can be a promotion, meeting someone or even dating someone it's all up to you to what you put here! My highlight so far was definitely to be one of the members who got chosen for the 4iC Trials. I never believed that this would happen. I had such a blast during this week and learned so much. So Guys and Girls, if you meet the requirements and the Trials reopen - go for it. No matter what happens it's a great experience. Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. At HDA I haven't had any conflict so far in a Team. But I don't know if you know but I'm currently Event manager at a well known official Habbo Fansite and it doesn't work at all, so I probably will quit. When I have just joined we had to build a Event (Theme was Greek Mythology) and I built the Court of Dead with a Quiz and the Leaders came in and said that they don't like my Style to build and so they do what they want, are creating Events without even asking me to build a Room and you go to their Discord Channel and all you think is "well another event I didn't even knew off." The Thing is, I always got compliments on my Style to Build by my former Events Team (shoutouts to Habbolando) which unfortunately died. But one day it could reopen I think. What are your strengths and weakness? Im empathic, friendly, world open so I like everyone if he/she's nice, no matter what race, gender or belief she/he has, and I'm ambitious and love challenges. My weakness is, that I don't like getting up early and I'm lazy, hahaha. Where do you see yourself in the year of 2018 at HDA? Hopefully as someone who passed 4iC Trials and as CoEA/HoEA ( ^^^ And she got it ;D ^^^ ) If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who would it be and why? It's Kaiser! I know you've been busy but I learned so much from you and feel like we are one wavelength What is one of the most useful things that you have learned from HDA? Patience, improved social skills ![]() Blog Post written by MookyMookya! Do you secretly have a crush on someone in HDA but don’t have the guts to admit it? Do you find behaviour someone does annoying but don’t want to say? Did you break the rules or know a secret that you need to tell someone but know if you do you’ll get in trouble, or worse, fired?! Well you came to the right place my HDA friends, welcome to HDA Confessions, where everyone is anonymous and every secret is a juicy secret we wanna read! So please, donate generously to HDA confessions by submitting yours here so we can all benefit from your secrets. (if you are going to send in fked up confessions referring to specific people that could be hurtful/bullying if published, just don't waste your time I'm not going to post it!) NOW ONTO THE CONFESSIONS *sits down in confessional* People in HDA need to calm down with e-dating. People be jumping from person to person like go talk to people irl please. Can't help but be a bit worried can I. iCs are actually the worst for it grow up it's habbo lmfaoooooooooooooooo - embarassed 4 u If i had a dollar for everytime [redacted] pm'd me a question, i'd have enough to visit america already - could use phone as vibrator considering the amount of messages i get most of the compliments dedicated to me in the compliments chat is actually written by myself and im not even sorry - Self love is real love If someone starts talking to me who i don’t like i just pretend im lagging so i don’t have to talk to them - brb laggggggg One guy has been around plenty of girls in hda very slyly and is now in a ‘serious relationship’ with someone else - SIPPIN’ TEA I doubt you will read this but, I want to tell you that there are secrets hiding in our conversation all the time, hints everywhere but it's hard to notice. The moment you see the message, is the moment I become the happiest person in the world. I'm waiting, dummy. - NOTICE MEEEE!!!
More Alliance related blog posts coming soon! ![]() Blog Post written by MashrafiAlam Cabinet of Chief Promotions!.:AliceMorgan:. promoted to Chief of Junior Executive! CharleneTan36 promoted to Chief of Senior Executive! Head of Department Promotions415k promoted to Head of Financial Affairs! Mynamaeis_Angel promoted to Head of Training! Board of Directors PromotionsNanaYana99 promoted to Director of Financial Affairs! :Boss-Hamza promoted Director of Transfer Team! -chcknnggts promoted to Director of Senior Executive! Guccifies promoted to Director of External Affairs ..x.Tanaj.x.. promoted to Assistant Director! Minnie..296 promoted to Assistant Director! Andrew71473 promoted to Assistant Director! Supreme Command PromotionsRikaaaa promoted to Trial Supreme Command! Brookie900 promoted to Trial Supreme Command! Brittany6663 promoted to Trial Supreme Command! bobjeoffALT2 promoted to Junior Supreme Command! Ced7308.Alt promoted to Senior Supreme Command! Bridgeleaf promoted to Senior Supreme Command! Presidential PromotionsCMPlaysGames promoted to Junior President! Swanaaa promoted to Senior President! Founders Representative Promotions -Unexpected?, promoted to Vibrational's Representative! Fornitini promoted to SarahDancer16's Representative! Ownership Promotions!Magen. promoted to Owner! Foundation PromotionsSarahDancer16 promoted to Trial Founder! Make sure to congratulate them if you see them in base! ![]() Blog Post written by -Unexpected?, Assistant Director! About Ms. Sher! ( Minnie..296 ) Favourite Food: “My favourite food would be Indian Street food items yum And anything and everything served with cheese cause why not?! I'm a foodie teehee” Favourite Place: “My favourite place to visit would be Venice. It's definitely a beautiful and a serene place to travel along.” Hobby: “My hobby is to cycle, sing songs and compose music and binge watch mystery shows” Ambition: “About ambition , It's not very defined I wanted to be a singer when I was little but studying to be a design student or architect, hoping the boat sails towards something exciting.” HDA Related Questions 👌 Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank you are at? Answer: Well from being just a new one here to an EA & IA member to DoE and now to AD; I'm very overwhelmed to be honest. I never felt I would make it this far always looked at my higher ranks like wow maybe someday and Im glad :D !! It's been a great one x What makes you come online to work in HDA? Answer: Definitely the people here! All my friends here are the ones that make me come online. An introvert kid found this lovely family online who cheer me everyday. Although, many of them I knew have gone inactive or legend and I miss seeing them in base a lot x Tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happen in HDA. Answer: That's hard haha there are many things important to me here most importantly the long spam of hearts when you enter in base! Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. Answer: I think I haven't had conflicts have had different opinions but in HDA you work towards the best of those.🤝 What are your strengths and weakness? Answer: My strengths are : I love helping people around which is also my weakness sometimes cause I let myself low when I'm not able to help someone to the fullest.💞 Where do you see yourself in the year of 2019 at HDA? Answer: I'm not sure where I would be then prolly someone who's a little less of a nub haha.🤙 If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who it would be and why? Answer: Since I have been here at HDA, it's hard to say one since there are many people here with me! Ari has been the one who has been with me since then to now and definitely glad to know this smol bean xx A shoutout to favourite peeps x : Kaiser, Roshi, Sarsilly, Ainaa, Cedie, Joie, Tina, Kev, Nate, DanDan, Dane, Laura, Char, Andrew, Jen, Michael, Bridge, Bob, Hiroshol, Vinny & Jules. 💕 What is one of the most useful things that you have learned from HDA? Answer: I have learnt being a little more organized, responsible and more confident even though I carry on to do funny things yet =D As I end this blog post, I just want to thank Ms. Sher for taking her time answering all of these questions. I hope you have a great day ahead! You are doing great being an Assistant Director. Continue guiding us and be good in school lovelots ❣ ![]() Blog Post written by Sindy2418! Do you secretly have a crush on someone in HDA but don’t have the guts to admit it? Do you find behaviour someone does annoying but don’t want to say? Did you break the rules or know a secret that you need to tell someone but know if you do you’ll get in trouble, or worse, fired?!
Well you came to the right place my HDA friends, welcome to HDA Confessions, where everyone is anonymous and every secret is a juicy secret we wanna read! So please, donate generously to HDA confessions by submitting yours here so we can all benefit from your secrets. One time i seen stuart with mana while she was dating caitlin :o - The Truth when i was 10 i wanna pee so bad LIKE UGH I WANNA PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :( and my mom was getting food so i just pee in the middle of the mall and the floor was wet af - UGH I WANNA PEEEEE never said to anyone but not receiving any compliment ever makes me sad - compliment virgin When I was a SV here at HDA, I found myself surrounded by friends. Now that I have made the transfer here, I feel more alone than ever. All my friends have left me and forgot me. They all ignore me now… - Transfer alone Feels like everyone in HDA has got their circle of friends and I still haven't. There has been 2 times where I thought I did but they don’t talk to me anymore - one is the loneliest number There are some HDA couples that need to chill out, you’re in a relationship, keep it private, some things do not need to be said in front of everyone. You’ve got to start respecting your relationship. - PDA.. NO WAY! im really upset i didnt make mookys list cuz i think im really cute - LEFT OFF THE LIST Im dating 2 hda girls and neither of them know, its so funny - double up There's a guy I've been hanging out with, he's pretty cool. He's a great person to chill with and if anything were to happen, I'm probably going to miss him, like, a lot. - corner girl I decided to Interview a few Junior Executive members around HDA, to discuss some of our favourite divisions to give lower ranks a bit of idea of what’s right around the corner for them as they work their way up through the division ladder, as well as some advice for any newcomers around HDA wanting to be in their spectacular shoes! Security Division Interview Interview with the delightful golgivesicle! Elite Security Member. How long have you been at HDA? 3 days. Why did you choose HDA? I like the structure and everybody is really nice, the high ranks are always willing to help! Why did you choose security instead of training when promoted from Advertising? Security is usually a lot of manpower I guess. What is your favourite thing about your division? Don’t really have one. There’s nothing I really really like about it, but yeah security is fun to do. If you got to choose your division again, would you choose training? Why/why not? No not really, security is genuinely enjoyable, there’s nothing hard or unlikeable about it. What have you learnt since being in Security? I learnt how to be better prepared in a way I guess, I know I need to prepare stuff on the forums. What are you looking forward to in HDA? Leadership opportunities and to get to meet more new people. Do you have any advice for lower ranks trying to get to where you are today? Work hard, listen to high ranks and respect everybody. Training Division Interview! Interview with the Training newcomer harukochan! Trainer I How long have you been at HDA? Hmm, about 1 month Why did you choose HDA? Hmm, I have tried other agencies before but I think HDA’s system works the best for me, it is simple and easy to understand. Why did you choose training instead of security when promoted from Advertising? Hmmmm, training gives me to opportunity to be promoted faster I guess. What is your favourite thing about your division? I don’t know much as I am new to the division, but I love the fact that I can train new people. If you got to choose your division again, would you choose security? Why/Why not? Maybe, I would always like to try new things but training is fine. What have you learnt since being in the Training Division? Being patient is all I have learnt so far. What are you looking forward to in HDA? I would like to make more friends in HDA, and I hate trollers so would be good to deal with them faster. Do you have any advice for lower ranks trying to get to where you are today? Just do your best and remember to always follow the rules! Advertising Division Interview! Interview with the delightful xXSweetDeathXxx, Advertiser III How long have you been at HDA? I have been here a few days, 2 or 3. Why did you choose HDA? Because it looked very friendly and safe when I came into the room. What division are you thinking of choosing when you get promoted from Advertising? And Why? So I want to choose training, because I enjoy making friends and the company of others. What is your favourite thing about your division? That I don’t need to stay in base all the time. It’s nice to go out and maybe make some friends What have you learnt since being in the Advertising Division? How to approach someone properly! :D How to do it in a friendly and trusting way, to make friends What are you looking forward to in HDA? Well, everyone seems to be close and have friends here, like they all know each other so I’m looking forward to making friends and getting to know people Do you have any advice for lower ranks trying to get to where you are today? Work hard, maybe, and be friendly to everyone coming through, because it really pays off in the future ![]() Blog Post written by -Unexpected?, |
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March 2022
CategoriesEdited by: Purified & Vibrational