By Afh2
So incase you weren't aware, there is a raffle going on right now in HDA. Where you can enter for just 1c and have the chance to win a trial chief rank worth 900c, theres also a MOD rank up for grabs too for 2nd place.
Without further ado, HDA Blog presents; 5 reasons why buying a raffle ticket could change your life 1. It's super cheap. Did we mention that it's only 1c per ticket and you have the chance to win a 900c rank? Sounds like a good idea if you ask me, spend 1c and make 899 profit?
2. It's a quick promotion
It's frustrating isn't it? You know you can handle that 5iC rank but the 5iC trials are just too far away for your liking. Winning this raffle will send you straight to Trial Chief meaning you can get straight to work on your Chief report without worrying about the 5iC trial. 3. You'll be congratulated (often) There's nothing quite like being congratulated. Once you join this raffle and win you'll never hear the end of it until your trial is over. You'll be congratulated constantly and once you think it's died down, you pass the trial and the congratulations are back. (It's a great feeling, trust us.) 4. You'll have a great sense of victory You can feel it already. That feeling when you do something great or get something you really really wanted. That's exactly how winning a 900c rank will feel, you'll be so happy that you'll forget about everything else. (Disclaimer: please do not forget about your report during the feeling of euphoria as missed report deadlines are not good.) 5. It's nearly christmas I bet you're asking yourself right now 'But I'm above chief, why should I enter?' Well let me tell you, christmas is only 329 days away, so it's the perfect time to be generous. Have a friend below trial chief? If you win the raffle you can simply donate the rank to them, afterall as already mentioned, Christmas is only 329 days away!
xBrendon's Representative
About Rayshaaaun!
Favourite Food- Pizza, without a doubt! Then again, sushi too xD
Favourite Colour- Hands down, navy blue. Well, closely followed by black. Favourite Place- My favourite place is probably........ Home. I can be an ambivert, but a true introvert at heart. Hobby- I love doing street photography. I am especially happy when I manage to capture shots with heartwarming moments. I also like playing the guitar when I have free time. Ambition- I used to aspire to be an astronaut when I was younger. As I grew older, I realised how tough it was so I scrapped the idea (lmao, or rather, the idea scrapped me). As of today, I would like to venture into something along the lines of data analytics.
HDA Related Questions !
Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank you are at? Answer: As I am currently taking on two roles, I feel like I have a huge responsibility to fulfil, which I will do my best to, of course. I think I have been granted so many opportunities and been recognised for the efforts I put into HDA. For that, I can’t be more grateful. What makes you come online to work in HDA? Answer: To be frank, it’s the people. The main reason why I look forward to going online is to meet my friends, and even new members of the agency. I’ve made so many friends in HDA, who truly make my day every time I am online. HDA has become a second home to me. Tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happen in HDA. Answer: I think the most important thing that happened to me, was probably meeting my significant other. Without HDA, I wouldn’t have met this amazing girl. She’s actually one of those few people who keep me motivated and going everyday. Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. Answer: As of now, I do not recall any conflict while working as part of a team. I always believed in being receptive to feedback and criticisms. Therefore, this makes me a good listener and probably helps to reduce conflicts I might have had with others. What are your strengths and weakness? Answer: Hmm, what do you think my strengths are? I’d say probably patience is one of the stronger ones. Weaknesses wise, sometimes I guess I’m not firm enough because I’m afraid I seem harsh. Where do you see yourself in the year of 2019 at HDA? Answer: Wow, this is a tough question. Since it’s my last semester in school, I’ll be starting work and I can’t foresee what might happen. I do hope to continue doing my part in HDA, of course! If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who it would be and why? Answer: Hi wan6709! Of course it’s you. Thank you for all you’ve done, and I’m extremely blessed and grateful to have you. I wouldn’t say too much here, because I know you’ll start blushing so yep! A big big big big thank you for being in my life, Evelyn. What is one of the most useful things that you have learned from HDA? Answer: I’ve learnt to toggle many multiple screens and multitask, for real (this is not a joke loool). Being in HDA also taught me a lot of people skills, and how to manage conflicts and politics. I actually think this might be put to good use in the near future for my real work life. INTERVIEWERS MESSAGE: Hey Raaaaayyyy you are still banned from Training area for having a love life while I am still single HAHAHAHA. Keep striving for the best and goodluck to your career at HDA. You have been one of my friends for keeps. Stay awesome and cool ^_^
I told a member to dance in base and he dis, he lost his IA trial and his EA membership because of that. - bad influence
i never had an enemy in HDA since day 1 but killed them all in my dreams once. - secret psycho i always act innocent and sweet and influential but im lowkey manipulative and sarcastic, beware of me. - you know who i am I think HDA has a lot of snakes, they act like you are so important to HDA but at the end everyone is replaceable and we all are nothing but pawns. - HDA Underdog Hey, I’m a loner. I have literally no friends in HDA. Sad story, eh?? - Lone wolf i dont usually get compliments, but i check the channel to see if theres someone who complimented my crush then begin to bring heat to that person. - now watching: NETFLIX'S *YOU* i love you till now , pls notice me senpaiii. i hope u would open up a conversation with me since im shy as fuck.. i just like how you joke around and you're like good at everything >.< ,s, - shy admirer Hda is cute and it looks pretty refreshing and I wish I could transfer but not possible - Want to transfer but can’t transfer Well it's kind of cheeky, but I always had a crush on this hr in base so I kept going to the help desk with stupid questions just so I could talk something. I just wish someday! - help me senpai I may have dated someone that’s a ic member of HDA. We had a pretty sexual relationship. But things broke off & he asked me to delete his nudes & I did. But I forgot iPhone has the “deleted” folder. So I recovered them, & I still look at them pretty frequently. I’ve also received nudes from a few other hda members. Girls including. So now I think i have a collection of nudes that’s growing & I didn’t mean for it to happen 👀😅 I promise I don’t masterbate to them!! - HDA nude collector i'm in love with u - EmzyWahcomma
/ËlejÉnd/ noun Legend is the rank we offer to retired workers at HDA, it is for our long term members that are unable to continue to be active in the agency. Legends should be looked up to at HDA, for they have shown continuous effort throughout their time there.
âI think HDA is the best place to work and have fun. You know HDA have amazing founders, great friends and it teach us how to be responsibe in something. Ive been in HDA for 1 year+. There are so many memories that I canât forget. I love every single people in HDA, you all are so precious.
I miss everyone and I miss HDA
I wanted to mention past one year one month being at this agency has been probably one of the best additions to my life! It's a lovely family to be a part of and have met so many people along the journey x
I'm glad to be part of HDA! i met wonderful people, good friends. its the best agency I've been to! I don't talk much in base but y'all are nice peeps so i luv u all xx
Id like to say Financial Affairs > Any other division Also Iâm single and ready to mingle for any cuties out there
Wishing all of you guys all the best !! Hopefully HDA's new leaders will get us to be more succesfull !! the main thing overall is to set your irl the first x love minx.
first day was actually scary i didnt have that many friends i wasnt the person who is good with socializing and making friends, but i some how became friends with EVERYONE (: those r the people that literally i love and support mehh and im truly happy to be friends with them and if its wasnt for them id be lonely and ily all :â)
Thank you for everything HDA ! For founders, thanks for creating this awesome agency. Thanks for accepting me and put your trust on me until i made it to 2iC. The memories i made throughout my journey here is unforgettable. I never think that i would leave HDA but i really have to :( I will never forget all of u :( HDA is my family, I love u guys <3,ï¸ Bye.
Donât fk shit up
Sammy1213's Representative
About Yitaemin! ?
Favourite Food - CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN, cream pasta, and seafood.
Favourite Colour - Shades black and white. Carolina blue and pink Favourite Place - I wanna visit Asia! bc thats my hometown lol Hobby - I'm an artist. Ambition - To be rich
HDA Related Questions!
Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank you are at?
Answer: I am so happy with my rank and what I've achieved within my three months at HDA. Hard work really pays off and I will do my absolute best still to strive forward What makes you come online to work in HDA? Answer: It's my job hahah. It's a duty of mine to come online and work, plus it's really fun for me especially getting opportunities to do more things. Tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happen in HDA. Answer: Tbh everything. Promotions, getting trusted to do things like mentoring little ones, being a representative, pay distributor, just small things that really mean a lot to me! But most of all making awesome friends :heart: Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. Answer: Well I used to have trouble running a division where I had to do almost everything. But learning before I became an iC really paid off, I didn't need the help I was supposed to get anyway. What are your strengths and weakness? Answer: Strengths would have to be doing my duties and knowing much information about HDA but weaknesses would probably be wanting to keep myself as more independent than dependent. I should learn to ask questions more otherwise I won't learn. Where do you see yourself in the year of 2019 at HDA? Answer: Still working ahaha. Hopefully gone further and am trusted with more things to go! I love being busy busy busy. If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who it would be and why? Answer: Charzizard. Someone I met when I was a small Op and he was diplomat, accepted me as who I am and never made an amazing friend like him. What is one of the most useful things that you have learned from HDA? Answer: I think everything we learn at HDA takes an important role not only in that category but many things as it connects. INTERVIEWERS MESSAGE: Hey Ms. Taylor I would just like to say that it is been great working with you and keep up the good work. I hope we could bond more together. Have a nice day ahead ^_^
PLEASE DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GO TO THE LINKS IN THESE SCREENSHOTS. THERE WILL BE VIRUSES AND YOU WILL GET AIDS AND DIE. Everyone has been a bit down lately about scouting, and I'm always like 'YOU GUYS It isn't that bad!' and everyone groans and says 'Lana, it isn't like scouting was in the old days where you walked up to a noob and they agreed to go to a room with a stranger, there is stranger danger now!' So I decided to get creative, so welcome to my new blog series..... That's right people, I'M GOING SCOUTING! I'm going to prove all you LAZY SOB's that SCOUTING IS SO FORKING EASY you can DO IT ANYWHERE, EVEN.... For those who don't know, Omegle is where random people randomly get paired up with people to chat together, you never know who the other person is, and they can chat about anything they like! But as I found out it was mostly about nudes. First I started using the normal feature where you randomly get paired up with a stranger... my first attempt went, not so great. BUT I PERSISTED! Honestly, "Karla" (IF THAT EVEN IS HER REAL NAME!) would have benefited from a WHOLESOME job like HDA TBQH. But I kept going... Alas, I was NOT interested in her sexy pics, and was really sad she ignored me. It was VERY RUDE TBH. But I soon realised everyone was on Omegle for one thing... ![]() KARLA DIDN'T EVEN LET ME FINISH!!! I can't believe I got her AGAIN considering there were meant to be.. 8000 FUCKING PEOPLE AND I KEPT RUNNING INTO FUCKING KARLA!!!!! But whatever, I had better people to be ignored by Some people were nice and talked to me though... BUT NO SERIOUS WHAT DOES HIA STAND FOR?!?!?!?!?! Dazed and confused, I stumbled out of being paired up with randoms, they clearly can't handle how AMAZING HDA is. So I moved over to the 'random question' part of Omegle. Again, for those who don't know you can ask two strangers a question and they will answer it. Most questions, as you can imagine, are something like this: and this... At this point I'm questioning my sanity, and why I do this stuff, but I SOLDIER ON, FOR YOU! THE PEOPLE STILL READING THIS!!!!! I 'pop' the question.... I ready my button to ask some strangers.... Stranger 1 is such a dick. I keep going, DETERMINED TO GET SOME INTEREST!!! STRANGER ONE SAID HI AND STRANGER TWO DISCONNECTED, WOWWW SO MEAN!!!! I Adjust my message and not mention Habbo, clearly bad for business. I try rebranding and give it another shot, after may failed attempts... STRANGER TWO IS TYPING!!! OK Not what I was expecting. HOW COULD THEY NOT EVEN FIND US ON GOOGLE?! COME ON!!!! Fed up at this point, I try and do a total rebrand, hopefully to target the type of audience on Omegle this time of night, and try and peak their interest in their favourite subject... I just don't understand it, nobody responded to the Heavy Dick Association AT ALL! I thought it was totally on brand for them ;/ ANYWAY Thanks for making it this far, where would you like to see me scout next? Get in touch, leave a comment or scream it at me in all caps on discord!!!!!!
I just can't with fern lol. she's so pretty and gets out of her way to make people happy. I also low-key think that I'm not the only one who thinks this, probably the only brave one to confess it even though it's anonymous. Ah. Maybe some day I'll tell her. - hey fern you make me firm
I heard charl and fred are dating - I Ship Chared User imagination is cute - you know who -wink- i once dated someone from hda who had a bf/gf irl while i had a gf/bf irl too. we broke up in habbo and broke up with our relationships irl too. not doint that again. - double trouble I hate those type of hda guys who flirt with every hda girl, it's annoying and gross. especially when they twin with them, yuck - HaBbO ReLaTiOnShIpS rEaLlY wOrK nobody knows but i made 3 accounts once and made 1 troll, made one comment on the trolling and made 1 be the indirect victim. - GIVE ME SOME ATTENTION PLEASE i once ate my dog by accident. i regret life. - now a cat lover When Kayla was hosting a event. I said “can we do banzai fridge kahlea” - ITS THE K OK? 2 months into hda i quit and i gave everything i had (credits, furni) to people in ftf then i came back very poor. - generous but dumb i have never bought HC all my life and lived off donations had HC everyday since. i love my fans. - my rich friends support my lifestyle I have been holding this for so long, we once met at VS. She pretends to be a baby boy and super quiet but I made her talk. And since then, Im the closest one to her but, I feels like shes got taken away from me every single time. Last time she promise me she would love me forever and just me. No other. But she lied. Only not been on for few days and she already met a new girl. I miss ur old self. The one who always with me and always by my side. I am not in mood to play much because too hurt cause of u but I do still missing you. :( - UR MINE AND NOBODY ELSES OK? OK. I hope you enjoy this confession! Make sure you join in on discord and tell me ur fave confessions, and send me your own! It can't happen without your confessions!! Now for the fuckboys!!!!!!! I like someone in HDA, not dropping names but let me tell you this, she is something else. Apart from all exterior factors that are all so superficial to me, it was her mind that caught me. Yes, this is rather a cowardly act but it had to be said and this the only outlet I know for now. So yeah, and hi btw. XD - cowardly crush
Nothing important, just I think few HRs in base should know that HDA rules apply for everyone, because sometimes there are some HRs that breaking a rule (like using non-English in base while not whispering) but when there's a LR remind them, they don't listen it and say that HR can do whatever they want, it's just... Injustice if they think like that - Rule follower We all know about this HR who has been buying its way up and now is trying to get even more attention lying and cheating on people! others think this HR is the victim :')... Using everyone and hurting them won't get you anywhere jzz - HR watcher One time a girl came through Security, she had the uniform on and she looked like she worked at HDA, I didn't check her profile me being careless. 10 minutes later she started to spam weird words in coloured chat everyone's screen was just filled with colour when a high rank asked who let them in I said someone else did - security fail There is this new "fuck boy" who thinks all the girls want to be with him despite he acting like a drama queen... Don't worry ladies I'll be there for telling you how miserable he is! - not a fuckboy fan I'm in love with Levy......................... He's amazing and everytime we talk I keep falling and falling for him.... Istare at his pp on forums and feel so happy everytime I have to post in the same page he has - PLEASE!!! Notice me Sempai i once told a guy at hda i was 22 and single so he would be interested in me but it turns out he was already in a relationship and he just wanted us to be friends >_> - im not a catfish uwu cam was hda's biggest fuck boy and thats the juice i wanna read about yano?? i wanna hear about these pixel pussys being slayed by an evil habbo man. tell me ur secrets TELL MEEE - cam fan if i had a dollar for everytime a hda member made a meme that wasn't funny but i still pretended to laugh, id be rich rich rich - HAHAHHHAHAHHAH THATS SO FUNNY IM DYING (inside) I THINK UR ALL SMELLY FARTS THAT NEED TO GO WALK INTO ANOTHER SMELLY FART AND BLOW AWAY FROM MY VIBES MAN, IM STRAIGHT CHILLIN, TRYNA CATCH SOME CREDS TO PAY MY MEMBERS AND U TOO BUSY TRYNA CATCH MY NAME - HMHMHM HOME DOG IM IN IT TO WIN IT, FUCK NEGATIVE BITCHES MHMHMHMH LEAVE FOUNDERS ALONE - something about dogs? serkan asked me for nudes :/ - noodles serkan is upset i didnt send nudes - upset I think JeremiaahReece is very kind & i think im starting to like him.. - lady unknown
ugh one of the guy founders is so funny and hot and i wonder how old he is. i rly want him to notice me but im just always at FTF looking at his bot at the entrance 😩 if someone could help hook us up that would be AWESOME. - fanny [or penis idk ur gender] flutters for founder I really want to know if you could date me x I hardly care about all your Ex's cause they are shit but yeah give me a chance and i will prove im better than em #HeadOfDepartments :DDDD - I want head!!! I'm tired of seeing how iC's get away with breaking the rules... being one myself it is specially hard. I saw so many wrong things and the only I wanna do is really yell to them at their faces - The sad iC I swear I am such a thottie. I literally fall in love with anyone that i find cute or nice in like .1 seconds. I am a mess. - THIHDA [That hottie in HDA] There was a day I was in FTB and checked on the room a little. Kaiser and Lucas were dragoning each other so when it ceased fire - I decided to unimode Kaiser :> He eventually believed Lucas didn't do it but :> - RR User and abuser I actually don’t like a lot of iC members. Like, DONT LIKE them. Instead of just telling the people I don’t like them, I go to base, & pretend like I’m their best friends. - *in a woody from toy story voice * There’s a snake in our base! When I first joined HDA and was around OP at the time. This guy really liked me and he commented how cute I was. I thought he was very sweet, but for a couple of months he never came back on and i was pretty sad that he left like that. How rude of him - Was it cam tho? I really fell for this guy who now is a really high rank and once he broke up with his gf I thought we could go serious. Turns out he was already playing his gf with another girl. Now they are together and breaks my heart reading their compliments </3 - Other other woman I once stole a recruit from someone because her habbo looked cute. #ponytail #ItsAGuyThing - Hoes before Bros I have a small crush on one of the foundation member that elf outfit is just the cutest things every ❤️❤️❤️ - elfing cute I heard Lana is really a guy and that's why no one knows what she/he/they/it looks like.- Lana obsessed Editors note - OK GUYS here you go, a pic of me irl: |
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March 2022
CategoriesEdited by: Purified & Vibrational