MEET Blueunicorn30 aka Roshini Head Director From Singapore More about Blueunicorn30! Food: Oh my god, Where do I even start? Singapore has a huge variety of foods. My personal favourite would be Hainanese Chicken Rice, which originates from here. It's basically chicken with light fragrant rice. It's as delicious as it sounds yeah ;) Place: Well, I have a lot of places to visit which are on my bucket list. I’d love to visit places like Paris or Venice. Italy is my favourite! Hobby: Oooooh I love running. Well, I used to run everyday but due to work and school, l haven't been running as much. However, I have kind of toned it down to about twice a week now (: Interview!
Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank you are at? I’m very grateful to have been given a chance as Head Director (HD) I worked hard from Recruit to all the way up, From September 2017 - present [ with the exception of a month’s break in between hehe]. I feel like I can do my part as a HD and live up to the expectations. What makes you come online to work in HDA? THE PEOPLE. Oh my god. HDA has changed me a lot, to be honest [better in person okie]. HDA is a pretty chilled environment to work in, like there isn’t any tension whatsoever. Tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happened in HDA. The most important thing that happened to me was when I got promoted to DoFA. Being a director held a special place in my heart as I've always wanted to be in charge of a division and run that division smoothly. I still remember the time I got promoted I was having so much of happy gushes in my body OML. HDATell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. Hmmm. I've been in HDA for 11 months now and I have seen small little conflicts such as JE's not wearing their uniforms or them playing with the switch and so on. I've never really been faced with a huge problem thus far (: What are your strengths and weaknesses? Ooooh. Strengths would be maybe the fact that I always put people first rather than myself. Which is also probably my weakness too. Where do you see yourself in the year of 2018 at HDA? Maybe promoted from HD or Legend (that is if i get a full time job by end of the year. Most unlikely but we'll see (: ) If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you have been here at HDA, who would it be and why? MOSTAAAAA. Probably the bestest friend I've ever had here at HDA. Stood by me during my lowest and highest, I don't know how I could ever repay him. Well good thing is that I've to got his back just like how he's got mine. There's a few others here but there'll be a long ass list: Ari, Nate, Kaiser, Andrew, Sarang, Charlotte, Sheryl, Aina, Joie, Dane, Ced, Kim and not forgetting Sars. Thank you lovelies for being the best people in my life. Also, annoying. What is one of the most useful things that you have learnt from HDA? To stay cool , calm and kind.
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