No, seriously, whats the deal? I went to find out... Honestly, I feel like I've heard so. fucking. much. about GI (which I have gotten into the habit of calling GI Joe) and I wanted to know what the big deal was. HDA has been open for several years now, and we have seen many (no seriously m a n y) agencies come and go, and often most target us and other big agencies to encourage members to join them, usually bribing them with higher ranks and even sometimes credits and other benefits to fill their high ranks, but they usually fail once they have nothing of substance to offer other members. I wanted to see what its like at these kinds of agencies, and what the substance is (if any). Do they care about their lower ranks? Do they know what they are doing? Does their wired work? But I also was wondering, how many HDA members have been asking the same questions and going to check out GI themselves? Did they give in and want to go play with the shiny new toy? And have any current HDA members been supporting GI? I answered all these questions during my brief visit. First up was training, and I answered one of my questions pretty quick, their wired doesn't work, or it was *very* easy to break, if you skip through both gates to quickly it teleports you back one gate, free tip to anyone at GI who might be reading this, you're welcome xo And with that I was let into the 'inner sanctum', in other words one of their training rooms, and the rooms were really cute tbh the rooms are really tiny, like a dollhouse. You know what people say about an agency's training room size 👀it has nothing to do with 🍆ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER GUYS. STOP IT. But I was very confused and concerned about the saddle in their training room, I'm just going to assume GI are into some pretty kinky stuff and what happens in the GI training room STAYS in the GI training room... except for this post >.> I'm immature sometimes, I can't help it. Pengemis was actually good, he is just doing his job. PengemisCiinta, as an apology for this shitty joke, if u ever want to join HDA hit me up, we would love to have you, you seem to be a great dude and TBH HDA would love to have you, unlike some of our current members who are kinda snakes (more on this later!!!) My next challenge was getting back into their base, I sat there for a good minute or two before this chick realised I was there and let me in, good work team!! Then in the irony to beat all irony HDA_7Zapper7 AKA Zaim told me that my motto was wrong and that I need to change it because their portal was wrong (this became a theme throughout my visit) and honestly I pray for everyone in that agency at this point cause any rank they could have been offered could be wiped out by this mythical portal. Zaim, if you are reading this, don't you miss our simple forum system at HDA??? MELVIN, ERITS, WTF?! honestly, I feel hurt atm, why would you visit GI JOE!?!?! HDA is just *better* Zaim you're adorable <3 CHARLENE!?!?!?!?! Honestly shook how many HDA members are showing up to GI Joe atm, like WHYYYY?! No, seriously, why? Hit me up in my DMs I wanna know. I know I'm sounding repetitive at this point but JESSYY!?!?! GI Joe so desperate for members they are paying people to join, WHAT A SELLING POINT!!! oops couldn't get anyone to take the 5c offer... WINK Meanwhile, while I'm shook at how many HDA members are actually playing with the shiny new agency toy, I'm sitting at their front desks for a good 30 minutes with no promotion even tho their website states that people at my rank should get promoted every 15 minutes at FTF (maybe they took that idea from somewhere else instead of coming up with a genuine rule that they want to enforce specifically for their agency *thinking emoji*) Then Melvin, seeing an opportunity for profit decided to try and negotiate, it didn't work.... Then I realised there must be a reason people are in this agency, continuing my quest to figure out WHY I started asking about the biggest motivator, money..... Some people really had no idea, GI staff if you are STILL reading to this point, please pay your staff THEY ARE STARVING.. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!! Changing pace a bit, debated whether or not to throw this SS in, but decided I should cause honestly it is 2019 and using 'gay' as a negative thing in 2019 is just homophobic and at this point should be called out cause it's just immature. Many GI Joe members laughed along to this super lame joke about how he didn't want to dress as someone in GI Joe's base at the time because he would look 'gay'. Continued to try and find out when pay was to several more people and failed miserably. For those who were wondering, no after 1 hour at FTF I still have not been promoted :( could have partly been because I kept going idle at their front desks, but honestly I was so distracted by the big ego's taking up the room I could barely focus on my *actual* job. Anyway, back to Melvin HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA oh Melvin, I'd make you my founders rep but you clearly are more interested in GI Joe anyway!!! (and kayla wouldn't do this cause she is loyal af) Nah I wouldn't consider a HDA member willingly going to a lesser agency poaching, but this on the other hand... This I would call, at a minimum advertising in another base, which HDA strictly prohibits and you can be fired for. But GI Joe clearly doesn't follow as nearly as high standards as HDA does. We don't poach members, we just screenshot your base Second post coming VERY VERY SOON! There is way way way more tea coming your way ;) Who knows what else I captured?! (A lot.)
BTW Anyone still reading from here, don't attack or bully or be mean to anyone who is currently in HDA and screenshotted in these posts, its genuinely just a bit of fun and a joke, I would sooner be asking them WHY would you bother with GI Joe?! :')
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March 2022
CategoriesEdited by: Purified & Vibrational