Assistant Director
Interesting Facts
Her Username/Real Name:
mynamaeis_Angel Current Rank: Assistant Director What is your favourite food and why? I like Sushi & burger haha idk it’s just taste great Favourite movie and why? hansel and gretel and the parents trap it’s like an old movie but i like it
HDA Related Questions
What did you expect when you came into HDA?
I transferred from some agency to HDA because i always see base busy & always having an active iCs. I decided to Transfer and i definitely didn’t regret joining i have many friends and always helping me Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank your are at? It was your username, Unexpected LOL i was shook like why how i got into Assistant Director i thought i failed Trial Mod but now i made it :] i also joined Trial 4iC but i didn’t get in rip :/ and suddenly i was Trial Chief when rosh promoted me i was scared like erm??(edited) omg my demotionnnn :[ but actually i got CoT and it was your username again very Unexpected and now i’m Assistant Director! What makes you come online to work in HDA? The friendsssssssssss all of them are amazing making me laugh :]]] The next question is where you tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happen in HDA. (It can be a promotion meeting someone or even dating someone it's all up to you to what you put here) well my first day was awks i was tryna make friends but they kinda ignored me :/ oh well and my best day is when i got Director of Training! wow it was wonderful and stressfulllll omg but i survive from being Directors Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. well i was a new member and i was legit a nub and someone whispered me saying like “hey you wanna promote him?” i was like OOH OMG NTY IM NEW he was like “first tryy” and i F&C the Trainer and when i give the trainer the motto a girl was like “THATS NOT THE RIGHT MOTTO” also i kinda hovered in promoting members were like “mynamaeis_Angel did you know you are hovering??” and they person is just like pls dont do it bla bla bla warning i was like wow im new :< What are your strengths and weakness? My strengths being a useful HR and a good role model for lower ranks weakness is to get demoted for having a such a messy report :[ Where do you see yourself in the year of 2019 at HDA? being a role model towards lower ranks :DDD i see myself as 1iC that can help others If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who would it be and why? honestly Bella is a great friend and she is one hard working girl, she always helps me! What is one of the most useful things that you have learnt from HDA? don’t be afraid to talk with others while being yourself
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March 2022
CategoriesEdited by: Purified & Vibrational