EmzyWah's Representative
About Levy1937!
Favourite Food- lasagne
Favourite Colour- mint green Favourite Place- my room Hobby- drawing/ singing Ambition- to be an architect
HDA Related Questions
Going through the ranks how do you feel now at the rank you are at? Answer: This is my 2nd time as Emma’s Representative, so I learned how to work with her and I really like it, I love that I can help her around. What makes you come online to work in HDA? Answer: Friends, mostly, but also the getaway from real life, it’s a safe haven that I don’t have to worry about real life stuff. Tell us a small story about something that is important to you that happen in HDA. Answer: The first time I got promoted to chief of a Division, back in 2016. I got promoted to Chief of Innovations, working with Ben (braveheart10) and also later on with Carol (KatyHudson,). Fun fact is that Carol and I are still friends to this day, even though she doesn’t play habbo anymore. Tell me about a time you faced a conflict while working as part of a team. Answer: I’m not sure about conflict, but something bad was when I tried to bring the Innovations Team back, but it didn’t work out. What are your strengths and weakness? Answer: I’m very good at dealing with problems and dealing with changes, I’m also very creative and rational, which makes me see points of view most people ignore. On the other hand, I’m not very good on being a leader and I can’t hide what I’m feeling. Where do you see yourself in the year of 2019 at HDA? Answer: I hope I can continue working with Emma for a long time. If you had to give a shout out to one member that you have known since you been here at HDA who it would be and why? Answer: Toni0390, we go way back and we have been friends for all this time. What is one of the most useful things that you have learned from HDA? Answer: Discipline and team working. INTERVIEWERS MESSAGE: Hey Levy!!! This person is good… no… BEST in building rooms I love it when he imagines things and builds them up. I just want to compliment you in building rooms for events. Always smile and be good on what you do ^_^
1 Comment
5/2/2019 01:22:39 pm
thank you so much for interviewing me <3 I loved it!
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